The Student Representative Council (SRC) acts as the student voice at Patrician Brothers’ College Fairfield. The SRC consists of two elected members from each year group from Year 7–11 and is run by the college student executive. They gather agenda items from the various year groups and are responsible for chairing the meetings. There are also teachers facilitators. Members of the SRC are actively involved in the decision making process in regards to matters that impact on student wellbeing. SRC meetings are held fortnightly to discuss important student matters.
Each year, Student Leaders pledge: “I, as a member of the Prefect Body, pledge to lead by example and keep Jesus Christ as my focus in all that I strive to achieve.” This pledge calls the young leaders of our college to be people of wisdom, prudence, courage and determination; with Christ at the centre of all that they do.
Student leaders attend a retreat at the beginning of the year which reminds them they are part of something bigger, that as a Catholic school in the tradition of the Patrician Brothers we are part of a much wider Patrician network. Student Leaders reflect on the challenges of leadership and set goals for the year ahead, including outreach projects and fundraising initiatives.